Creating content: Rules

All submissions must be travel-related.

All content must adhere to legal guidelines.

You have full control over your content; you can create, edit, and delete as needed. Remember, the content you create is your responsibility.

Ensure all photos and images are either your own or you have full rights to use them. Copyright infringements carry severe penalties. has the freedom to decline or delete accounts and its contents that go against the rules described above.


All content created on Travelistas is owned by the author., along with its owners and volunteers, are not liable for content created by third parties. All content must be signed by the author, agreeing to the platform's rules.

Creating content on Travelistas


You can submit content in English, Dutch, or French. Your submissions will be automatically translated into all other supported languages within 24 hours.


Travel Journals

  1. Create an Account
    Start by creating an account on Travelistas.
  2. Create a Travel Journal
    Fill in the required fields to set up your travel journal.
  3. Add Daytrips or Recommendations
    Enhance your journey with day trips or recommendations as desired.
  4. Publish
    Once you're ready, publish your journal to make it visible to the public.

Note: You can publish your travel Journal, but keep daytrips and/or recommendations unpublished as you please, you have complete freedom!

Your travel journal can link an unlimited number of day trips and recommendations. For instance, a two-month trip could include 60 day trips and 180 recommendations.

Travelistas allows you to submit new entries to your travel journal daily, or even multiple times a day, making it easy to keep your content organized and fresh.


Daytrips & Recommendations

Create standalone "Daytrip" or "Recommendation" pages. These pages are straightforward to use; just fill in the required fields, and you're done.



Engage with the community through our forum board styled as a travel blog. Easily add copyright-free images using our widget.